Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Apology Letter I Never Expected

Yesterday was a pretty rough day at school in our classroom, but then Norah did something I never expected.  While on the swings at recess Norah's teacher came up to me and said "Someone just slapped me on my butt.  I turned around and there was little Norah grinning at me.  I told her to never do that again".

I found Norah in line and asked her about it and said she needed to apologize.  She got very quiet and said she would.  I later was in her classroom and still hadn't seen her apologize.  After school I made her write an apology letter.  It said:

Dear teacher,

I am sorry for spanking you.  I will never do it again.  I love you.

Love: Norah

She then drew a picture on the other side of the letter with her and her teacher in matching outfits.  I never thought I would see the day that my daughter had to write an apology letter for spanking her teacher.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kids say the darndest(?) things

Sometimes kids say funny things and I forget them later.  I really need to be better about updating them in here.

Yesterday I was sick and went to the doctor.  Mason asked me how the appointment was and I said "The doctor just said I have a virus and some allergies".  Mason said "I hope you don't have HIV.  That's a virus".

Today as we were walking to get the boys from school Norah said "Oh no.  I hope they come spray that creepy charlie in our yard".

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crazy Cat!

Me:  Does he do this every night?
Mason:  What?
Me:  Run around like a lunatic.
Mason:  Only about 50 times and they he gets tired and goes to sleep.

We are referring to our cat Zippo running laps across the whole 3rd floor and jumping up against the walls.  Levi and I hear this a lot at night and always thought it was the boys.  We have yelled upstairs several times "What are you doing up there?" and the boys always say "Nothing".  Guess we blamed them for something the crazy cat was doing.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gross Boys

Since today was a snow day I decided to catch up on laundry.  I washed 2 huge loads of the boys' laundry.  It was about a week's worth.  When I was folding it and laying it on piles for them to put away, I noticed that they each only had 1 pair of underwear for the whole week.  I pointed this out to them when they were putting the clothes away.  I told them they have to put on clean underwear everyday and they both replied something like "Oh, I forgot".
I was telling Levi about this at dinner and he told them they were gross and need to put on clean clothes everyday.  Mason said "Maybe we do put on clean underwear and you guys just hide them so you can call us gross".  (We'll deal with the sassing later.)

What makes this even more gross is that I know they had at least 2 showers last week, which means they didn't even put on clean underwear after a shower.  This and the previous "forgetting to use shampoo when washing their hair" really makes me wonder how they will survive in life without me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Lately my children have been talking a lot about how many kids they want to have, what they will name them, etc.  So far we have been told we will have 11 grandkids!  Here's the break down the kids have told us.

Norah wants 5 kids:  3 girls and 2 boys.  They will be named Norah, Adolyn, Claire, Baber, and 1 other boy name.

Mason wants 3 kids:  2 boys and 1 girl.  He wants his boys to be named Thomas (after Edison) and Nikola (after Tesla).  Right now the girl name would be Marie, but he's still searching for a better woman inventor name.

Wesley wants 3 boys.  When I asked what he wanted to name them he replied "Whatever my wife decides".  I think we know which kid is the smartest.  :)


One of the items on my "Bucket List" for 2013, was to update our family blog more often.  I don't really think anyone reads it, but I think it's a great place for me to remember things that happen to our family and cute things the kids say/do.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Last Night was Crazy!

Crazy night in the Baber household. Hope the kids aren't this hyper tomorrow. Norah: "Mason that's a crazy outfit". (says the girl wearing a dress, apron, tutu, and butterfly wings to a boy wearing a sheet and towel saying he's the queen of England) Levi: "Yep Mason. You are definitely the craziest person in the house." Wesley didn't want to be outdone so he yells "Yeah Pizzazz!" I think Levi Baber is very thankful that he gets to go to work tomorrow. :)